About Us

Laura Lemco
Laura is an Accredited Member of the American Society of Appraisers and a Certified Valuation Analyst. With over 25 years of experience in the motorcycle and automotive industries, she has acquired a wealth of experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and a Master's in Business Administration. In addition to her extensive experience owning, managing, and consulting with dealerships, Laura has over 10 years of experience in valuing businesses. She leverages her education and expertise to develop comprehensive and easily understandable appraisals tailored to your business needs.

Boaz Johnson
Valuation Analyst
Boaz Johnson brings a fresh perspective to the valuation industry, fueled by a passion for investment and entrepreneurship. With a decade in Central Oregon, his BS in Business Administration coupled with a minor in International Business exemplifies his professional journey. Despite being new to the field, Boaz's international business insight, coupled with his passion for outdoor activities, underscores his versatile and dynamic approach to both hard work and enthusiasm for exploring new territories in business valuation.
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